воскресенье, 18 октября 2015 г.

World Economy Overview 1999 - 2014

And this is my second post to this blog. :)

It is World Economy Overview for 15 years from 1999 to 2014.

So, I downloaded data from www.worldbank.org and decided to make short overview.

As you can see from the picture above World's GDP increased from $32 trillion in 1999 to $76 trillion in 2014 during last 15 years. But this increase was not steady. Share of Japan in World's GDP decreased from 13,9% to 6,1%; share of China increased from 3,4% to 13,6%.

GDP of China increased by $9,3 trillion, or by 851% during last 15 years. GDP of Russia increased by $1,7 trillion, or by 850% but reasons of growth in Russia and China are different. Industrial growth in China almost in all sectors of economy is due to cheap labour, smart investment and economy policies. But growth in Russia is explained primarily by increase of oil prices and low base effect. World's economy increased by 138%.

Picture above demonstrates GDP in 12 biggest economies and other countries in 1999 - 2014. As you can see other countries (not Top12) increased their GDP substantially.

As you can notice from pictures above total population of the World increased from 6,1 billion people in 1999 to 7,3 billion people in 2014. The most polulated country is China, but share of China in World's population decreased from 20,7% to 18,7%. Population of African countries increased dramatically and continues to grow.

Picture above demonstrates the richest and poorest countries of the World. The richest country as of GDP per capita in 2014 was Qatar and the poorest was Malawi. Average GDP per capita in 2014 was $10 420.

You can get more information from spreadsheet I prepared. The link to the spreadsheet is in description to this video from youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOjMuKm9ico

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